Hi everyone! So, I'm trying to earn wooz and I stink at making shops.. so I'm gonna be making people anime characters of their woozen :P So if you want one:
Email me: chocolatecupcakes18@gmail.com
Or msg me: Ginger1752
Then I'll just try to re-create your look on your profile when you click on it, or you can tell me and album and a picture you want me to re-create. Here are some examples of what I've done:
I made this of me and my friends x)
xD Fairy is always doing .-. (that face) so I made her look annoyed, Recky, looks good in those colors so.. yeah xD Bri, sometimes wears neon purple.. and she's dealing with her boyfriend or what not so I gave her a rose. And.. I just wanted to look cute so I made myself look like that.... xD Then I decided to make it more realistic ;D
Idk Jackilope personally but she seemed perfect for the theme I was doing.. xD Ya so this I made us more hardcore.. XD So also message or email me wether you want it in the cute anime way, or in this way which is more.. ninja-like? xD Or Both.. BUUUT! WAAAIT WAAAIT WAIIIIT! EACH CHARACTER IS 50 WOOZ! :O But also you can order one with you and your friends, if it has 2 or more people than it's 25 each.. So I'll give you examples
If you get one of yourself: 50 wooz
If you get one with 4 people: 100 wooz
If you get one with 2 people: 50 wooz
But you can get any amount.. the limit is 10 though. xD
So this was just a way to earn wooz x) So just msg me anytime: today, tommorow, 5 months, 11 months, 2 years ;D... Ok.. bye
GAAAH! I just saw this. You made a chibi for me. Aw. <3 Thanks. -Jacki