Saturday, September 7, 2013

Late Night Fashion

Hey y'alls! IDK if you've seen this one :/ or something but here it is XD wanted to post something because it looks like nobody's posting for like a Day xD!
This is called: Late Night Fashion because i'm kind of posting it late at night: 10:17 p.m. My posts will usually be during the Noon or Evening! XD so nighty night! Sweet Dreams xD!!!!! Love y'alls! 

Model: Pepsi24
Moves: IDK!
Unitz: Vicky's Candy Unitz


Hair- I believe it's like Manga something.... but I think it's SUPER cute with my whole outfit, and totally with the background! I love how the hat is facing the other way and also it's got Pig Tails W/ a Hat. It looks Totallyyyyy cool ;)! (don't know the price)

Top- I believe it's called the Pool Top.... I know it's says "Pool" in there somewhere! I'd say it matches the hair and skirt ;)! such a GREAT combination! And as you can see, it's Pink as well! It'll TOTALLY look funky if you wear like...... DARK BARF GREEN ICK :P! with such a CUTE INNOCENT PINK :DDDD! It'll look funny, believe me xD! So, great combination! The skirt and the top TOTALLY makes it look like a PRETTY dress ;D!

Bottom- IDK which Bratz wear this skirt.... but what I know is that It's from the Bratz Collection! I like how there's a belt to it, makes it look like... a dress and a belt in the middle of the dress (a good looking dress yeah know ;)!) The skirt REALLY matches the shoes a lot! How it's all .... girly and the shoes are all girly :D! (i'm not a girly girl girl -.-) So... GREAT COLOR COMBO :O! It's not a.... UGLY BLUE YUCKY!

Shoes- What I know is that it's called the: yeti boots ( i think the Urbanz outfit has boots that looks EXACTLY like this!) IT totally mathces the skirts ;)! Not much to say about it.... just girls usually wear this... I see boys wearing it occasionally :P! It cracks me up xD! 

So i'd say the outfit will be total of 10/10 points! Yay!!!!! Congratz to peeps that wear this :DDD! 

I'd call this outfit- Girly Candy Girl ;)!!!!!
Extraz: I just bought like 18 packs of gum for school O.O i need them gums! IT'LL KEEP ME ALIVE AND AWAKE!
Note: I really miss you guys D:! Four straight days without my beloved woozworld! How could I survive for a WHOLE YEAR! T.T! (School's practically not a year, it's like only a couple of months :P!)

Now i'm really starting to doubt that this year will fly past, because 7th grade seems to be difficult, and filled with life of Homework! That reminds me.... I have to do a homework tomorrow about my Happy place i think that includes something that's not man made and something man made (that's a bit... hard for me :P!) Maybe I could just say, outside, Not Man Made: The Flowers, the tree's, nature! Man Made: the roads, the buildings, etc. , etc.. I have to do 2 paragraphs! That's  a bit hard :/ I don't think of "happy places"
I was thinking, my home.... but everything is man made in the house :/! 

PLEASE READ BLOGGERS!: Please tell me your Happy Place in REAL to help me C:! Tell me what's man made and what's not man made! Don't need to be 2 paragraph's but just a small thing. C:! It'll give me some type of idea. That'll do me TONS to succeed in school ;)! I'll help you with homework if you're below my level xD! 6th grade was SUPER easy :P!

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