Some Silly Pictures-
Warning, Some May Be Inappropriate!
First One-
I think this is a bit silly xD! I Wonder how this woozen got this spell
touching his.... '.' -leaving it to you-! I was looking through someone's albumz
and this is what I saw xD So.... real weird. That is inappropriate... I guess,
if you're thinking wrong as I am.
Second One-
Okay, here's one with GoodOldWooz (I think),
and it looks kind of wrong.... if you're thinking wrong as I am xD!
IF you don't get it.... I'll explain it for you! If you don't want me to,
just skip through this! It looks like he's sticking his hands up his pants.
Third One-
I've seen this before '.'.... I believe Icey shown this one in a different blog
but I found this on someone's Albumz! It says: No Pads (what ladies wear),
No Helmets, Just Balls. '.' not explaining xD!
What Hackers Look Like-
Some of you probably wondering "Hmmm, what does a Hacker look like? I've
never seen one before!" Well.... you got your answers right.... HERE! A Hacker
looks like this:
Most hackers usually have Colored Skin. "Like What?" you say.
Well.... they can have varieties of colors, such as Pink, Blue, and
possibly green!
"What Else Do They Look Like?" you say. Well.... hackers usually wear things
that other woozens can't! Such has the man that is BLUE! Woozguidez are the
only woozens that to have a T-Shirt saying: WG (which means Wooz Guides),
so that's a sign of a hacker. As you can see the Blue guys is wearing and Icey
crown... well, only I think the woozens that desined that crown or the Queen or
king gets to get the crown! Well.... then this guy had to hack for it! Also, hackers
usually wear some unusual face, such as the second picture the guy in Pink, I don't
believe they sell those faces! That's also a sign of a hacker! Also, as you can
see the picture on your left, there's a "phantom, ghost, etc.", nobody can have that
costume except for hackers!
So hackers have: Unusual skin color, Unusual Faces, and Unusual Outfits!
A Thing That I, Or You Didn't Know About Woozguides-
A thing that I did not know was that Woozguides. Cannot. BAN. Woozens! Here's Proof!:
Here's Lilly (I think), saying "I Can't Ban".
So here's your answer! If you were wondering "why isn't that darn woozguide
not banning these inappropriate woozens, Bullies! Ugh... they're all so useless!"
Well.... because the woozbandz didn't make the Wooz Guidez have some special
ability to ban woozens! "I wonder why?"you say. Well.... my method is because
if a woozguide feels .... bored! They can just say.... "mmmm.... I'm gonna ban... YOU!"
-Bang- Gone! Or, if someone is rude to her or something.... she can just go: -Bang Bang-,
and think she can get rid of ALL the rude people, which is practically ALL of us :T!
So There's Your Answer: WoozGuidez Cannot Ban!
You know how some people say: "Woozworld Will Shut Down!" (which was me since Nahcim told me), or even other woozens. Well.... I found that they're actually not, but it's just one BIG rumor (or is it?!), if you're thinking "well... how do you know?! You ain't got any proof >:O" well... here's your proof!
That's probably enough to explain. A Mod is explaining it to you!
Btw (by the way), he is not a Hacker if you're thinking of it.... I know
he's got some unusual T-shirt and some Unusual Face (which I think I've
seen before), he's a Mod! Not A HACKER! Unless somebody hacked to be
a mod '.'....! But anyways... yeah!
I'm signing off in three.... two..... ONE! BLAST OFF TO YOUTUBE XD (that's wear i'm going now!)
There Will Be No Lesson Of The Day Today! Unless I change my mind!
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